Frequently Asked Questions


Larger Car Parts

Yes, we handle larger items. It could be anything. Generally, larger items refer to items that cannot be shipped by regular Japan Post shipping. This mostly includes car parts such has engines, bumpers, hoods, larger wheels, side skirts and anything that cannot be shipped by regular Japan Post. We use a variety of shipping methods to handle larger items and larger orders. We use Fedex, LCL-less than a container loads and FCL-full container loads. These orders are processed mostly by larger and bulk order buying customers. If you have any intentions to order larger parts and to use LCL-FCL or Fedex, please talk to us. We must discuss all the details and sort out all the minor issues related to the costs involved before a final agreement.

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Japanese Used Cars Auction houses offer the best cars for your needs. They are dealer to dealer auctions for used cars. We can assist you with your car needs for your personal and business needs. Please check out our car auction services.

Car Dismantling

Car Dismantling Services and Facilities

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Are you searching for a partner from Japan for small and larger shipments? Please check out our Business Partners section for a customized program.